Extending Shelf Life of Peeled Shrimp Using Moringa oleifera and Isoflavones

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 41522


The current study was carried out to evaluate the shelf life of peeled shrimp during ice storage for 14 days using 125 µg/ml of crude isoflavones extract (CIE), 250 µg/ml of crude moringa extract (CME) and a mixture of both (62µg/ml CIE and 25µg/ml CME), as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. The results showed that using CME and/or CIE in ice improved the quality of peeled shrimp during ice storage. All treated samples showed; low content of total volatile nitrogen (TVN), trimethylamine (TMA), Thiobarbituric acid (TBA), cooking loss and free amino acids compared to the control sample, while the water holding capacity (WHC) of treated samples was increased. CME and/or CIE had a greater effect on spoilage microorganisms in treated samples of peeled shrimp, whereas the control sample reached the spoilage onset (107 log CFU/g) after eight days. In comparison, the treatment with CME and/or CIE additives prolonged the samples’ shelf life to 14 days. Total bacterial count, Pseudomonas sp., Aeromonas sp < em>. and Enterobactereace can be inactivated by CME or CIE. Significant differences were observed in mean sensory scores between treatments and control. The control recorded the lowest scores, while higher scores were obtained from the sample treated by CME plus CIE
