Tutorial Videos
General Instruction: The Journal publishes high quality and original research papers, review articles, scientific notes and short communications concerning different fields of Agricultural Research. Three copies of the manuscript should be submitted to: Editorial Secretariat of Agricultural Research Journal.
Page Format: The Journal is printed in a two-column format (column width of 80 mm) with a text area of 160×230 mm.
Text: Paper should be typed, with double line spacing on one side of the paper only with ample margins on all sides. Italic should be used for taxonomic nomenclature. Should appear in the following order: Title, Authors" names, Address of authors, Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figure Legends, and Figures. Main section headings should be bold. Do not underline the title or section headings. Subsections (also bolded~ may be included and only the first letter of the subsection should be capitalized. Avoid excessive fragmentation of the paper. Use numerals before standard units of measurements, e.g. 3 g, 9 days, 36 hr; otherwise use words for numbers one to nine and numerals for larger numbers. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided, and where used, they should be explained at their first mention.
Disks: Upon acceptance, authors are requested to submit a computer disk containing the final version of their paper along with the final manuscript to the editorial office. Please do the following: (I) Label disk clearly with author's name and short title of the article; (2) Specify which word processing software was used (Microsoft Word is preferable); (3) Keep a backup disk for reference and safety. Title: Should be brief and reflect the main theme of the paper. By-line: Authors' names should appear below the title and below which address should be typed.
Summary: Each paper must commence with an accurate, informative summary in one paragraph. Summaries should be limited to < 250 words, and should contain salient features of the study, briefly indicating method of the study, results, and the main conclusion. Summary should be typed with single line spacing. It should include key words, arranged alphabetically with only the first letter of the first key word capitalized. Commas should separate key words.
Introduction: Provide a survey of literature and clearly justify the need for the study.
Materials and Methods: This should be informative enough to enable readers to interpret the results obtained. Particular attention should be paid to the design, analysis and statistics.
Results and Discussion: Results should be concise. Avoid reproducing information already in the tables. Discussion should indicate clearly the significance and implications of the results obtained. Inferences and opinions should be distinguished from facts, and should not duplicate results except to introduce or clarify points. References should be made to published literature.
Acknowledgements: Financial contributors, pre-paper reviews, etc. should be acknowledged.
References: Only articles or books published or are "in press" may be cited. Copies of the publishers' letters of acceptance should accompany all such citations. The reference list should be arranged in ascending alphabetical order. Authors should be referred to in text by name arid year. Example:
Sarhan, A. A. and A. H. EI-Heneidy (2001). Seasonal abundance of………… J. Food Sci.; Suez Canal Univ., 1(1): 12-17. Within the text, references should be given as Sarhan and El-Heneidy (2001), or similar results have been obtained in Egypt (Sarhan and El-Heneidy, 2001); and if many citations, cite as Sarhan, 1999; El-Heneidy, 2000.
For books list as:
Campbell, C. L. and L. V. Madden (1995). An Introduction of Plant………John Wiley, New York, 532 pp. or: Skylakis, G. (1991). Changes in the population………..In: Population of Insect Pathogens, Their Dynamics and Genetics. WIofe, M. S. and C. E. Caten, (Eds), pp. 225-241. Blackwell Scientific Pubs, Oxford.
Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures should be self-explanatory, without reference to the text or other tables and figures. Captions should be brief but should adequately describe contents. The word Table should be in uppercase letters, and should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Figure captions should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. In the text spell out the word Table but abbreviate Figure to Fig. Capitalize the first letter of the table column and row headings. Footnotes are designated with superscript lowercase letters.
Graphs should be boxed and ordinates and abscission marked with index lines. Illustrations should be in black and white and of a size that allows a reduction of up to 50%. If color prints are necessary, the cost of production will be charged to the authors.
Proofs: Authors will receive two sets of page proofs. One set is for correcting and should be returned as promptly as possible to the address given; the other set is to be retained.
Offprint: 15 copies of each paper and a voucher copy of the Journal are provided free to the author of each paper.
Disposal of Material: Once published, all copies of the manuscript, correspondence and artwork will be held for six months before disposal. Authors must contact the Editor if they wish to have any material returned.
Charges information:
To be paid to the Treasurer, either in cash or by Cheque issued to the Scientific Society of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
Copyright policy
The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright, and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions.