Effect of Storage Conditions on the Sugar Recovery, Sucrose Loss in Wastes and Juice Purity during Sugar Beet Manufacture

Document Type : Original Article


Food Sci. & Tech. Dept., Fac. of Agric., Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.


Objective of this work was carried to extend shelf life of sugar beet roots by applying different conditions of storage to increase juice purity, sugar recovery and decrease sugar loss in wastes. This investigation was carried out to study the effect of three different storage procedures of four different sugar beet roots varieties (cultivars: Pleno, Top, Kawemira and Ceres poly) harvested at different periods (180, 195 and 210 days) at 12- 33.60˚Con the white sugar production, the amount of sucrose loss in the final wastes and the purity of sugar beet juice. Ceres poly variety had the highest white sucrose recovery under the covering storage procedures ranged from 13.75 to 17.92%. However, Pleno variety was the highest sucrose loss at almost harvesting days, while, Ceres poly recorded the lowest percentages in wastes at almost harvesting days. Top variety was the highest juice purity during manufacture especially at 180 and 210 days under the covering (78.27 and 84.74%) and open-air storage (83.86 and 84.85%).All results obtained in this investigation are affected by certain factors such as sucrose, K and α-N content in sugar beet roots, and the purity of sugar beet juice stored in the storage room was relatively higher compared to other treatments
