Chemical and Technological Characteristics of Fresh Roots of Four Sugar Beet Varieties Harvested at different Periods

Document Type : Original Article



The present investigation was carried out with an objective to understand the biochemical and technological changes that occurred in sugar beet roots of four commercial sugar beet varieties under different harvesting at different periods. For this study, four varieties of sugar beet were selected: Pleno, Top, Kawemira, and Ceres poly (P3) with high yield of roots as well as high sugar content. Moisture and ash contents were 75.66 to 81.52% and 2.34 to 3.97%; respectively, at different harvest periods. Total nitrogen content ranged between 0.65 and 2%. TSS ranged between 17.20 and 23.90%. Sucrose content of four varieties ranged between 12.40 and 19.50%.While, white sucrose percentage ranged between 8.76% and 16.35%. The purity of sugar beet roots juice of four varieties harvested at three periods ranged between 68.13% and 81.58%. Quality of fresh sugar beet roots was ranged between 70.65 and 84.58%. This investigation showed the sugar beet manufacturing at 210 days gives the lowest percentage of nitrogen substance, thus sugar percentage increased in comparison with early periods.
