Document Type : Original Article
The present study was conducted to explore the nutritive value of Garden Cress Seeds (GCS) and its utilization into products like brioche bread to improve its nutritional quality. Rheological characteristics of two Egyptian wheat flour varieties (Gemmeiza 9 and Seds 12) using Mixolab indices (Chopin+) were done to choice the suitable one for brioche dough. DPPH scavenging activity (%) and total phenols of GCS were determined. Different levels of GCS powder (Zero, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5%) were added to the chosen wheat flour and examined its impact on chemical composition (moisture, protein, fat, ash, fiber, CHO by difference & calories). Sensory evaluation, physical properties (water activity, color & freshness properties) and microbiological examination (total count, molds-yeast & Staphylococcus aureus) for the product were done. Results showed that concerning rheological indices, Seds 12 variety had higher dough stability (4.02 min), higher water absorption (58.1%), higher protein quality as C2 = (0.44 Nm) and higher quality of starch as C3 = (1.90 Nm). Also, showed the most stable gel in the hot phase (C4 = 1.72 Nm) and ordering of starch molecules (C5) = 2.67 Nm when compared with Gemmeiza 9 which recorded (3.03 min, 51.2%) and (0.31, 1.84, 1.62 and 2.45 Nm), respectively. Based on that, it was selected for dough preparation. Adding GCS powder in 1, 2 & 3% percentage to the dough showed good acceptability for brioche bread regarding sensory evaluation. No significant difference was observed either when either the previous concentrations were compared to each other or the control sample. GCS powder contains considerable amounts of protein, fat, ash, fiber and CHO which were 20.68, 26.79, 4.25, 4.25 & 39.49 g/100g, respectively. Also, it contains high amounts from minerals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ca, Mg, P, K & Na). Basically, moisture, protein, fat, ash and minerals contents were increased directly proportional to the level of GCS added in the formulation of brioche. Moreover, brioche bread samples had Ca/P ratio ranged from 1.63 to 1.92 and Na/K ratio 0.04 which close to recommended ratios. It also good source of phenolic compounds, as it contains appreciable amounts from total phenols (44.49 mg/100g as Gallic acid) and its DPPH scavenging activity was 47.10%. According to the microbiological examination, it recommended use high concentrations from GCS in brioche bread (4 and 5%) as they showed antibacterial and antifungal attitude than the low concentrations (1, 2 & 3%); the differences was significant (p<0.05). The obtained results can use easily in the Egyptian Bakery pilot plants to arrive strategic goal of Egyptian government especially, the low cost of brioche bread unit as a functional food.